
Enabling your company to have a fruitful future

Contact us: [email protected]


How We Help You

Providing significant value to clients, removing organisational problems and enhancing all user experiences through simple, scalable automation.

Enabling you to simplify and automate your organisational processes, to achieve your business goals

Allows your people to focus on the value added and customer focused activities in your business, whilst retaining control and compliance.

Delivers tangible benefits, including engaged and motivated people, improved customer experience, addressing resource challenges and demonstrable RoI

What We Do Best For You

Simplified automation of processes .

Including ...

• Decision making

• Resources allocation

• Task management

• Approval

• Document management (Sharing and version control)

• Administration processes


Secure - Military Grade Encription

Compliance - Provides fully auditable systems & detailed reporting. Fully GDPR compliant

User Friendly - Drag and drop functionality, targeted to do list and project overview

Fully Scalable - Can be used on a project-by-project basis through to full company adoption.

Fixed Integration - Stand-alone solution or integrated to other storage or systems as required

Data Confederation - Confederate data sources to automate processes and decisions

Flexible Storage - Secure base for all your files

Public Forms - Enables simplified and secure interaction with external customers

Secure - Cross organisation collaboration for effective project and document

Why Prune?

Prune – Enabling your company to have a fruitful future.

Removing things that are not necessary

Managing the core of what you do

Preparation for strong growth

Harvesting automation

Your people can flourish

To make the plant more compact